He stated that Glover stated to him that there was an easy and a hard way to this situation. When Butler told him that he did not kill Mrs. Stephen, Glover stated “It’s niggers like you that make me mad” (Murder on Sunday Morning, 2001). Later the defectives took him to the wood where the weapon was supposed to have been thrown. Butler stated that Glover escorted him deep into the woods out of sight of the other detectives. Butler stated in his testimony that Glover punched him three times in his stomach knocking him to his knees as he cried stating “I didn’t kill her.” Additionally, Glover last hit was to Butler face causing him to stumble backwards (Murder on Sunday Morning, 2001). Butler also mentions that Detective Darnell wrote his statement forcing him to sign it.” During the trail the Mary Ann’s purse was found by a man collecting in a dumpster on Main Street. The purse was covered in blood with all credit cards inside, as well as two envelops with more than $1,000 in each. When on the stand, the gentleman who found the purse of Mrs. Stephens stated the police officers accused him of getting rid of the gun and was verbally abusive towards him as well. Additionally, the police department failed to examine the purse for finger prints or other DNA evidence (Murder on Sunday Morning, …show more content…
The purpose of a forensic psychologist is to accumulate information concerning the defendant by the means of assessment and results, interviews, as well as information from third parties. The material is presented to members of the court (e.g. judge, attorneys, and jury members) to assist with selecting the appropriate punishment (Heilburn et al, 2003). Forensic psychologist provided expert testimony specializing in mental health diagnosis as it relates to legal proceedings meeting the Daubert standard (e.g. has the assessment been peer reviewed, the reliability and validity of the assessment, just to name a few (Heilburn et al, 2003; Hugaboom,