There are three aspects of Tawheed.
1. Tawheed al Ruboobiyah.
2. Tawheed al Asma-was-Sifaat.
3. Tawheed al-Ibadaah.
The three characteristic of Tawheed in one verse: “Lord of the paradise and the world, and all the thing that is between them, so worship Him (alone) and be constant and patient in His worship. Do you know of anyone who is alike to Him?” (Surah Maryam 19:65)
These three categories overlap and are inseparable to such a degree that whoever neglects anyone aspect has failed to complete the requirements of Tawheed. Therefore, we have to maintain all three aspects of Tawheed to be considered a Muslim because if we don’t maintain any one of this category than we are doing …show more content…
They will surely say “Allah”. Say: Allah (Subhana Wa’tala), but most of them don’t know”. (Quran 29: 61)
Therefore, if he is doing shirk in Tawheed Al-Ruboobiyah then he also doing shirk in Tawheed al Asma-was-Sifaat cause denying the attributes of Allah.
As for using the Quran like a charm or amulet by wearing or carrying Quranic verses on chains or in pouches to ward off evil or to bring good fortune, there are little differences between such practices and those of the pagans. Neither the Prophet nor the Companion used the Quran in this fashion, and the Prophet (SAW) said,
“Whoever innovates in Islam something which does not belong to it will have it rejected.” Reported by Aishah and collected by Bukhari vol. 3,p. 535, hadith no. 861
Therefore, this also effects on Tawheed al-Ibaadah so, we have to refuse that type of things in our lives to maintain our imaan and consider a good …show more content…
Allah (Subhana Wa’tala) has told us of every action that Allah loves and is gladded even they are external actions [i.e. of the limbs and tongue] or even they are internal actions [i.e. of the hearts]. Allah Subhana Wa’tala said in Quran: “And your Lord had said, Call upon Me; I will answer to your prayer” (Quran 40: 60) therefore, we have to just call our creator Allah subhana watala in our hard times and also we have to just trust on Him (creator of the world). So this characteristic of Tawheed is to acting and knowing upon every single thing that Allah (Subhana Wa’tala) has ordered and abstaining from every single thing that Allah (Subhana Wa’tala) has prohibited. Allah (the Lord of the world) has also further described every single thing that comprises Shirk as we know (wearing talisman, fortune-telling etc.). In so many countries, there are a lot of Muslims who go to the tomb of saints and ask them for fame, wealth, children and more miserable, forgiveness. What makes this bitterer is the consideration that all of these Muslim pray 5 times a day, and in each and every (unit) Rakah of their prayer they say that to their Lord (Creator of the world): “it is you we worship and you we ask for help”. (Quran 1:4) therefore we have to avoid these types of things to maintain our Tawheed and to consider a good