Black Power Movement Research Paper

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Breaking News! The Black Power Movement Strikes Again! From marching through the streets in 1960 's to tearing down the walls of segregation in schools. African American students began to celebrate African American culture boldly and publicly. Starting a chain reaction, soul singer, James Brown releases a new single, "Say it loud, I 'm black and I 'm proud." In 1968, this song became an unofficial anthem of the Black Power movement.

In the 1960 's, as Black Power emerged, society experienced an unusual spike in distinctively black names. In this paper, we focus on one particular aspect of Black culture, which is the distinctive choice of first names, as a way of measuring cultural interactions. Assessing whether or not, distinct black names
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The stratification systems, also known as social standings, categorize individuals based on factors like wealth, income, education, and race. In most communities, people affiliate themselves with others who share the same consistency in status. Which is why names like DeShawn and Jake do not share the same social standings. Mainly because a distinct black name like DeShawn is limited to resources by a low-income, low-education, single-parent background; whereas, a pragmatic white name like Jake tends to correlate with positive perceptions of higher socioeconomic and educational attainment. (Freakonomics, 191) To a certain point, regarding the stratification system, names are an indicator of social and economic disparities.

Now let’s say we live in a perfect society, where ethnicity didn’t exist, and names didn’t suggest anything else but an identification. Society then would be structured by excellence, productivity, and efficiency. Where the Davis-Moore thesis would argue that the greater the functional importance of a social role, the greater the reward. Meaning that an individual’s qualifications and their experience have more effect. Therefore, in the case study, “Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal” are being picked fairly based on
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From my personal encounters, I experience this phrase to be accurate. For the reason that being different can be an aversion to some people. After all, it is the human condition to be prejudice about the things we fear. For example, a successful company’s fear is to lose money and go out of business. That’s why reviewing an applicant with a black sounding name might be scared of the outcomes, therefore they pick the safer choice which is Emily and Greg. As it has been said before, we fear the unknown because it is a product of uncertainty, which can yield to

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