Creek Indian Social Ball Game Poem Analysis

Improved Essays
Joy Harjo 's choice to use of Creek Indian Social Ball Game by Solomon McCombs as cover art for Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings invokes Mvskoke cultural traditions and methods of conflict resolution. The references to traditional ceremonies and the treatment of storytelling in her poems affirms that Harjo sees preservation of her heritage through art as a form of healing from ancestral trauma, a theme that dominates her poetry. Healing implies that the body and soul have worked through a complicated process in which tender care of the body and spirit have been administered so as to knit wounds together, form scars, and lead to invention of new ways to cope with what has been lost and the changed as a result. Perhaps at its core, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings seeks to reclaim the songs and stories of Harjo 's people and create new ones in a modern landscape. In the poem, "For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet," Harjo establishes the value she sees in the intrinsic value she sees in the preservation of Mskoke culture. "Let your moccasin feet take you to the encampment of the guardians who have known you before time" (4). Moccasins immediately bring to mind age-old traditions that connect both past and present. Harjo continues, "Let go the pain of your ancestors to make way for those who are heading in our direction" (6). This image acknowledges the pain of ancestral trauma and implies there is an assertion of sovereignty in pursing the wisdom of the old ways by honoring the grandfathers who signed treaties to protect future generations. Harjo 's poetry speaks to the tragedy of colonization and the violence it inflicted on American Indian bodies, then looks at traditional arts and ceremonies with their potential to heal. History shapes the poems in terms of metaphor and imagery, as does mythology. “Rabbit Is Up to Its Tricks” depicts the trickster Rabbit. In this story, Rabbit created humans out of clay and wind, because no one else wanted to play with him. Rabbit taught man how to steal chickens, corn, and even wives. The acts of theft escalate, and man becomes more and more greedy. "Then he had a taste of gold and he wanted all the gold. / Then it was land and anything else he saw" (9). Of course, this story is not just the recollection of a myth but an allusion to the European occupation of the American continents, and the effect it had on this land 's original people. "We lost track of the purpose and reason for life. / We began to forget our songs. We forgot our stories" (lines). Communities like the Mvskoke were in many ways forcibly separated from their traditions, languages, wisdom. Harjo’s poetry echoes the oral tradition of storytelling, embedded with metaphor, and invokes history as well as sovereignty through the Mvskoke memories and culture that …show more content…
Through story and its ability to transfer an experience to those who hear it, that truth of the murder is passed along to the people of the village. Ceremonial quality to the performance, mixture of dance and narrative paced with the energy of atmosphere, nature, and people. "I talk about the qualities of the woman, whom the man sees as a walrus" (104). This line conveys the mistake the hunter made, which was in seeing the woman not as a fellow human connected to himself, but as something for him to hunt and kill. That the man sees the woman as a walrus is a simple truth, and simultaneously emphasizes his role as a skilled hunter who feeds his people. By talking about the woman 's qualities as well as those of the hunter, the narrator gives these people the ability to interpret and judge for themselves. "The people turn together as one and see him" (104), and draw a united conclusion about the most balanced path to justice. The problem is plainly stated at the end: “We make a jumble of stories. We do not dream together” (104). If we would bother to know each other, to share our stories, to listen to the earth and to each other, we could dream together. Story becomes a source of enlightenment and method of preserving knowledge that is not didactic but visceral, so that individuals can grow in harmony with the world they

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