In criminal cases the crown must prove the accused committed offence beyond reasonable doubt. In some cases there is a persuasive burden on accused, this discharged by proof on the balance of probabilities. This is the first demonstration of the crossover between the two standards that aim to be distinct and clear. This is shown in HM Advocate v Mitchell .
The matter is more meaty in the discussion of the standard that applies to civil matters. A party on whom lies …show more content…
The rule in all civil actions the standard of proof required is always the balance of probabilities. However, some cases have created ambiguity by suggesting that where there is an element of criminal activity. This can require a higher quality of evidence to tip the balance. Despite authority that firmly rejects the notion of an intermediate standard, there is a body of case law that implies where criminal behaviour is averred the Standard of proof is of a different quality if it is to succeed. Judicial dicta contribute to this ambiguity creating the perception of an intermediate standard. In Lennon, Lord Kincraig