Spotted Owl Research Paper

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Spotted owl populations are rapidly decreasing because of the barred owl invading its land, and scientists are rushing to find a viable solution. The barred owl is encroaching upon the spotted owl’s habitat area, and this is becoming a serious predicament. In states such as California, Oregon, and Washington, spotted owl populations have decreased drastically, and scientists are working rapidly to try to find solutions. These researchers have exhaustively studied the habitat and livelihood of the owls, and have determined that the barred owls are responsible for this drop in population and habitat area. Scientists have tried to find different solutions, but there is controversy on which method is best to deal with this imposing problem. The …show more content…
They are encroaching upon the barred owl’s habitat and lands, and the spotted owl population is diminishing. In an article by the San Jose Mercury News, they stated that, “barred owls are also big bullies that chase other birds from their territory,”(San Jose Mercury News). The barred owls are very territorial and chase away the other spotted owls, and this results in the bullied spotted owls to not call for mates. Consequently, because of the decline in mating, the number of new spotted owls being born decreases, all because of the domineering barred owls. Also, this means that the barred owls are taking over the already-dwindling spotted owl habitat, and this could be a very serious problem. In the same San Jose Mercury News article, it states, “Northern spotted owl populations have fallen by about 12 percent each year,”(San Jose Mercury News). If this continues, the spotted owl could go extinct. This would really be an impact to the ecosystem of the environment of the many areas the spotted owl lives in, and a major hit to the wilderness. Even before the barred owl was seen to be posing a problem, human development and timber harvesting had seriously reduced the habitat for the spotted owl, since many of their preferred trees were …show more content…
There is a huge conflict of area and space between the barred and spotted owls, and it has reached a climax. Now, scientists are debating whether reducing the barred owl’s population with an ‘eye for an eye’ method. Their proposed solution is one in which barred owls will be killed off to reduce the strain on the spotted owls. The idea behind this resolution to the barred versus spotted owl problem is that with less barred owls, the spotted owls will be able to thrive again. This solution, according to some accounts, seems to be working, but the concept has been enveloped by controversy. Some, like the biologist Lowell Diller have voiced their support, but others, like PETA, cannot disagree more. In all, the spotted owl is in a major predicament with the barred owl invading its territory, and only time will tell if the solutions that have been presented will fit with the current

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