Southern Horrors Book Review

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Book Review: Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching In the book titled, Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching, Feimster attempt to touch on the topic of race, gender, lynching, rape, violence and politics. Feimster illustrate these points from the perspective of Rebecca Felton and Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Historically, both women were known for fighting for women suffrage; however, they differ upon the ideology of, “who the real victim is?” In order to read this book, the individual would really need to be unbiased and able to stay focus on what the book is about. Feimster take us back to the era of the Civil War with the first chapter giving the account of Rebecca Felton. Through the eyes of the slaves and southern white women, the Civil War brought about suffering; however, more so for the whites than blacks. Southern white women were left to fend for themselves, while their husbands went off to fight in the war. The abandonment led to many unskilled southern white women to try to maintain the upkeep of the plantation. Another consequence to the abandonment led to many southern white women to be subjugated to rape and terror by invading Northern troops. Felton was one of the many southern white women who had to endure such hardship of that time. Discontented with the lack of effort applied to providing protection from their male counterparts, Felton became the voice for southern white women. Felton failed to acknowledge the suffering of black women. This will later change, as Felton will eventually develop empathy for black women, who just like her associates, were subjected to sexual assault. Like many others, Felton had to watch her husband indulge in infidelity with their slaves. Instead of empathizing and seeing black women as a victim, she viewed them as a contributing factor to her unstable marriage. In the eyes of Felton, southern white women were the victims. Could this be the reason historically, black women have been viewed as being promiscuous? Known for her campaign for anti-lynching and one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Ida B. Wells-Barnett grew up in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Wells-Barnett was one of eight children and born to a biracial father, whose story is briefly discussed within chapter two. Although she came from a financially successful and reputable background, she was not exempt from racial injustice. After hearing the success of Jane Brown’s suit against the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company, Wells-Barnett decided to take the initiative herself to stand for racial equality. Just like Jane Brown, Wells-Barnett forcibly removed from the train for refusing to move to the “smoking car.” In response, Wells-Barnett filed a lawsuit and the outcome worked in her favor. She later filed another lawsuit against the same company for being refused to be allowed on the “ladies car.” The company then filed an appeal, which led to the state supreme court reversing the lower court’s decision. Although there was “jealousy” and “disdain” for black women, Felton didn’t see all black women as being morally deprived. She expressed her gratitude to those female slaves who worked as nurses and servants within a speech she addressed to the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Circumstances from the Civil War caused Felton from being one of the elite to the working class. Her unfortunate experience caused for her to …show more content…
The “black rapist” mantra led to the lynching of many black men, which were all done by white mobs. After the lynching of closest friends, Wells-Barnett became an activist against lynching and sexual violence. She and other black leaders such as, Fredrick Douglass, noted that many allegations of rape done by black men were false and only used as justification for mob violence and lynching. Yes, Felton might have united many southern white men and women under the guise of protecting the white womanhood; however, many innocent black lives were lost to the hands of white males. Wells-Barnett also noted the economic reasoning for lynching. In response to the black women subjection to sexual violence and black men victimization to lynching, she published “Southern

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