Social Gender Roles In The Fortunate Pilgrim By Mario Puzo

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The Fortunate Pilgrim was written in 1928 by Mario Puzo. This story takes place in New York. This story connects many different characters. One theme of the story is social gender roles. which are follow by societies gender roles. One character is Octavia Angeluzzi, she is a protagonist of the story and a new woman, while Larry Angeluzzi is another main character of the story, and he also a protagonist of this story. Octavia and Larry were very similar by their relationship toward their mother, jobs, and responsibilities.
During the 20th century, women’s roles were to help around the house while men’s roles were go out to work. In this story, Octavia and Larry were close to their family. For the society, Octavia was supposed to get married
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Octavia responsibility was to help Lucia around the house and Larry’s responsibility was to protect their siblings. Octavia made sure to find good learning opportunities and health checkup for the kids. “One day Octavia took her three little brothers to the free dental clinic at the Hudson Guild settlement house. Earlier she had seen a sign saying that an application was open for the Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund, which sent children to summer camp for two weeks or a to special country home” (80). This shows how Octavia is most like a second mother to her siblings. Larry was so busy with work but when Vinnie killed himself, he became the good a brother and men of the house. “As they drove him, Larry said in a tired voice, ‘Don’t believe that guy’s crap, Gino. Every time there’s an accident, everybody lies. Nobody wants to get blamed’” (254). Also, when Fay would not change his statement on the death of Vinnie, he got violent and made him change the statement. For Larry changing the statement was important because if Lucia finds out that Vinnie killed himself, she is going get depressed and never be able to stand up. In turned of responsibility both Octavia and Larry had same responsibly to protect their family in different gender roles.
In some ways, Octavia fit normal gender roles because she takes care of her family. In other ways, she doesn’t fit gender roles because she was new women with American ideas also she works to support her family. Larry des fit the gender role because he works and supports his family like any other man. Octavia and Larry were very similar by their relationship toward their mother, jobs, and

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