Sins And Consequences In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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Register to read the introduction… The only way he is capable of stopping this if he confesses to the adultery that he has committed with Abigail Williams. If he does confess to this it will ruin his good name. Finally he makes an attempt to confess. “I have made a bell of my honor! I have rung the doom of my good name- you will believe me, Mr.Danforth! My wife is innocent, except she knew a whore when she saw one” (1146). When this fails there is a scene in the play where John is in a lake or river and is standing in the middle with everyone in Salem watching him and there is where he comes out and calls Abigail a whore. He says this “You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore” (1151). That part is my favorite part out of the whole play because it shows how he speaks his mind and isn’t afraid of the consequences and that reminds myself of me. In this scene he also says this “I say-I say-God is dead!”(1151). After that is said everyone starts freaking out about and calls him a witch and from there he is sent to jail for being a

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