The id serves as a repository of unconscious primitive desires and impulses that are mediated by the preconscious region. The id is imagistic in nature in that repressed material is stored in the unconscious as visual perceptions, those of which are often amassed, cluttered, and disorganized. As the unconscious employs no imaginative faculty, it would be incorrect to interpret dreams simply as a stream of created images. Similarly, the images in dreams do not contain tense, nor should they be perceived as sequential. Dreams exist as expressions of the id’s internal conflicts as the repressed images that are unable to gain consciousness are brought to an individual’s awareness in disguised and distorted forms. Upon awakening, the superego suppresses the wishes and impulses experienced in the dream so that the individual immediately forgets much of the dream’s
The id serves as a repository of unconscious primitive desires and impulses that are mediated by the preconscious region. The id is imagistic in nature in that repressed material is stored in the unconscious as visual perceptions, those of which are often amassed, cluttered, and disorganized. As the unconscious employs no imaginative faculty, it would be incorrect to interpret dreams simply as a stream of created images. Similarly, the images in dreams do not contain tense, nor should they be perceived as sequential. Dreams exist as expressions of the id’s internal conflicts as the repressed images that are unable to gain consciousness are brought to an individual’s awareness in disguised and distorted forms. Upon awakening, the superego suppresses the wishes and impulses experienced in the dream so that the individual immediately forgets much of the dream’s