The Blackfish Effect

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When Blackfish the documentary came out it had impacted many people’s opinions on Seaworld and their whole motive. Blackfish was an eye opener to show the living conditions of these orcas. Seaworld has received many hateful comments. Now all they want to do is try to fix the situation for the animals and their image. Seaworld responded in different ways, some that were good and some that weren’t at all. Blackfish caused a lot of damage for Seaworld, if I was Gabriela Cowperthaite I would be proud. That my own documentary was able to impact so many people and for them to try to make a change for the better. In a way it has, Blackfish now know as the “Blackfish Effect”, has affected business for Seaworld majorly. Infact Seaworld reported in …show more content…
That the big heads of Seaworld didn’t think that swimming with 12,000 pound whales would be dangerous. Blackfish even showed that to even work with these animals you don’t need a degree, you go through some training, and there you go you’re in. Seaworld seemed to not think about these large mammals capabilities, who’ve been living on this earth longer than any of us. But Seaworld instead of taking the blame and not being smart, pins it on Tilikum. That in the past that Tilikum’s multiple times of aggression didn’t make them question what could go wrong (Over 30 Years and Three Deaths: Tilikum’s Tragic Story, Seaworld of Hurt). This article goes on to talk about all the conditions and treatments Tilikum went through before coming to Seaworld. How he was captured, his living conditions in Canada, and even killing his first victim. But Seaworld had to have him, because one he was huge, two he was a male, and three so he could breed. With the whole backlash of Blackfish, Seaworld decided they don 't breed anymore. Which imposed me that they were still planning on it, until they had received all the hate that they did. You would think that people would realize just with any reproduction there are genetics and certain things that are hereditary. And if you were to use Tilikum’s sperm, his traits will carry out onto the next generations. The new offsprings could be just …show more content…
In the article, Seaworld made a statement, "Breeding is a natural, fundamental and important part of an animal 's life," the statement said, "and depriving a social animal of the right to reproduce is inhumane.", (Seaworld can expand tank but not breed whales, board rules, Ann O’Neil). It was found that animal rights activists agreed, but only if it was natural and in the wild. Seaworld seemed to finally understand where they were coming from and decided to not breed, but to continue to expand for the well being of the whales they currently

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