Romeo And Juliet Decision Making Analysis

Superior Essays
Romeo and Juliet is a play full of decisions too quickly made and poor choices that reflected throughout the play. As a matter of fact, Shakespeare wanted to give the reader the lesson that when you urge yourself to do things, bad consequences may replace the good outcomes your decisions could have given you. Romeo and Juliet’s love and death also were rash outcomes of decisions too quickly made and feelings not well controlled. It requires great capacities to imagine how the many bad choices made by the protagonists could be benefiting ones. In fact, it would have changed the whole story. We can, however easily observe that Shakespeare used a lot of figurative and poetic language in important parts of the play, such as decision-making moments. …show more content…
In fact, the play itself is a series of overlapping mistakes and quick decisions which only brought death, blood and grief among almost all of the characters of the play. However, over all the mistakes and bad decisions the play talks about, the worst is Romeo’s suicide. That last, tortured by grief and sorrow, decided to kill himself, thinking that his own death would be a way of joining Juliet. It is true that emotional people listen to their emotions and not their mind, and Romeo is an excellent example of it. As he states in his last speech to Juliet, “A lightning before death: O, how may I Call this a lightning? O my love! my wife! Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath, {...} Here’s to my love! [Drinks] O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” This speech definitely defines Romeo’s grief, in a dark, sad mood. Thus, if we decorticate it correctly, we can easily see that Romeo believes that Juliet is dead, which is the reason why he says “Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath”. From that very moment, we know that Romeo had left hope at Mantua (the city where he came from) and was in the mood of committing suicide. “What mistakes did he do ?”, you may ask. To answer that question, we …show more content…
As a matter of fact, Romeo’s vengeance against Tybalt, his sudden departure from Mantua, proceeded by Paris’ death and finally Romeo’s suicide were all events created by thoughtless, rash decisions. Now, take the example of Romeo’s vengeance against Tybalt. Romeo, who was mad against Tybalt since that last slew Mercutio (Mercutio being Romeo’s best friend), only let his guide be his emotions. His rage overwhelming his mind, Romeo killed Tybalt, but soon regretted it by realizing how much of a mistake it was. His regret did however not prevent his banishment from Verona. What if Romeo had thought a little more before choosing Tybalt’s death ? He would probably not have killed Tybalt and therefore stayed in Verona, making life easier for him and Juliet to communicate and establish a plan. Indeed, things went totally out of control for Juliet when Romeo left, and the possibility that the couple would have flown away if Romeo stayed is not omittable. That way, Juliet and her lover would have been far away from their bellicose families and no other death than Mercutio’s would have occurred. Nevertheless, better endings could also have taken place of the original one, even if Romeo did kill Tybalt. As a matter of fact, Romeo could have stayed at Mantua to think about what to do, or at the very least tried to talk to someone such as Friar Laurence or his cousin

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