A Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech

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Rhetorical Analysis in “I Have a Dream” Racism is a problem throughout the world and always has been. Racism is still a sensitive topic today because there are still judgmental people around this world. In Martin Luther King Junior 's speech, “I Have a Dream,” he wanted to convey the message about what he wanted the world to become. He does not want anyone to be treated any differently than any other person. King was trying to resolve a problem that was happening nationwide. Martin Luther King Junior proves his point in his text through points such as the way he writes, the way he speaks, and the meaning behind his words. King defends his dream through the use of good writing. To get every ones attention, he had to write it out using correct …show more content…
He wants to be able to be free and do everything a white person does and have the same rights as them. Throughout this speech, he is also letting the “negro” people know he is trying to make things right for them. He knows how they have been treated and he wants to let everyone understand what they feel on a daily basis by just describing everything. King writes, “I say to you today, my friends, though, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream” (King 4). This is an example of King using correct grammar to keep the educated audience paying attention to the speech. He wanted to show that a black man could be educated and make valid points as well as a white man. He says, “ No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” (King 4). King is skillfully using correct grammar as he proves his point using two metaphors in the same sentence. This strong statement is one that grabs the reader 's attention and exemplifies his amazing writing skills perfectly. King quotes, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land …show more content…
In the speech, everything he says has a meaning behind it. He talks about things that were going on that every “negro” has been through. All he is wanting through this speech is equal rights and freedom. He wants to live in a world that is full of happiness. The ways he used his words were incredibly noticeable that he was speaking mostly to the white people. The way he repeated “negro” throughout his speech was letting the white people know what the “negro” people have been through and how it is not fair that they have been through all that they have. He is speaking on the behalf of all the “negro” people of the world. He uses this word multiple times in his speech to show that he wants to represent them and that he is one of them. He says, “ No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” (King 4). In this sentence from his speech, he is speaking for all the “negro” people so that all the white people know that what they are doing to them hurts and something needs to be done before it gets worse. Also as you can see in this quote, he uses powerful words such as “justice” and “ righteousness” to emphasize and stress extra meaning on these points. He could have used ordinary words but instead he used compelling word choice throughout his speech. In the speech “I Have a Dream” Martin Luther King Junior

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