Rhetorical Analysis Of Kennedy's Inaugural Address

Improved Essays
Dear, Kimmie During my revision process I realized how much I have grown as a writer, I went from someone who was just good enough to get an A in every other English class, to someone who had to try his butt off for the A. This in turn let me learn more in an English class than I ever had before and also let me grow into the prospering writer you see before you today. I learned many things this year that helped really push my writing to the next level that it needed to go, in order to be at that collegiate level. So for that I say thank you, because if it weren’t for you I would be stuck at Nampa with a teacher who mediates in her class. And this would not have let me grow as a writer whatsoever, leaving me stuck in the same old pattern of …show more content…
Not only that but I learned from people like Kennedy how to instate my own tone, as he does so well in his inaugural address. He has such masterful tone in his address and I wanted to make that I was able to capture that in my synthesis essay and my rhetorical analysis. So I attempted it and I feel successful in my purpose to change the tone of both of my revised pieces. My Kennedy piece went from just the simple bland explanation of how he used metaphors and such to a piece that had a bigger purpose. This was all because of my change of tone I made it just as much about us a nation as the rhetoric and Kennedy’s purpose. I did a similar strategy to the George Washington synthesis I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just a boring analytical essay but in fact was one with a little oomph and patriotism to it because it is about the legacy of our founding father. Adding we the people and our nation and speaking more on the patriotic values in both pieces let me add that tone, in turn helping me change the audience to my fellow Americans and also change the outlook of the entire piece from boing to soring. I really appreciate my ability to manipulate tone because it makes a world of difference on both of my

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