Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy's Unjustifiable Speech

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On April 10, 1962, as the United States emerged from recession, the nation's biggest steel companies raised their prices by an unjustifiable amount. President John F. Kennedy was not so pleased with the outrageous decision of the steel company. John F. Kennedy addresses a speech to the press on April 11, 1962. The speech was a classical argumentation, rhetoric, and cause and effect. The president uses strategies such as diction uniting the American people and persuasive appeal, putting pressure on the steel corporations to lower their costs.
Kennedy begins utilizing his word choices to interest the public and motivate them. In his first paragraph he uses forceful diction. Words like “ unjustifiable”, “irresponsible” uses an extremely negative connotation. The diction “ unjustifiable” relies to the steel companies rising the prices with no right and any beneficial reason. “ Irresponsible” indicates how the steel companies made the decision without any approval which is unwise and not an adult behavior. He portrays the steel companies as selfish and greedy.With these two words
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In the concluding sentence of paragraph two he uses a plosive consonant alliteration of “P”: “ private power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility.” The alliteration creates and adds force which indicates his tone of furiousness, accusing, and disgusted. The function of the paragraphs one and two is the cause of the steel company being greedy irresponsible. Then, in the fourth paragraph begins with the words “ more difficult”, and “it would.” He applies these two phrases to list the problems created by the increase of prices. Also associated to these two anaphoras in the third paragraph he describes “inflationary spiral” and “‘eating up the pensions”. Referring to the difficulties and effect on the elder

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