Revenge In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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“Hamlet:” Revenge
The play, Hamlet by Shakespeare, is a tale of revenge. The notion of revenge is presented when the story begins. The ghost of Hamlet’s father appears at the stroke of midnight to Hamlet and tells him of how he was murdered by his Uncle Claudius (who is the current ruler). Hamlet is reluctant to believe this information, but cannot bring himself to deny that it is true. The ghost implores Hamlet to seek revenge upon his Uncle for the traitorous act of poisoning the King. Shakespeare is known for writing about death and attracting the audience of his many plays to the intricate lives of his developed characters. The notion of revenge pulls the audience into the storyline of Hamlet’s insanity and revenge plot. Hamlet is faced
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Young hamlet knows that King Claudius murdered his father, but he also knows the danger that he is in. Hamlet takes precautionary actions through his own insanity to protect himself from the reign of King Claudius. Hamlet is a tale of a man who cannot decide where his morals lye. He believes his scheme/revenge is the correct decision, but Hamlet procrastinates and hesitates when carrying out the death of his Uncle for the revenge of his father. In order to cover his scheme for revenge Hamlet becomes insane in the eyes of his predecessors. Hamlet not only questions himself, but also the ghost of his father. He states, “May be the devil: and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape (act 11 ,scene 11).” It is Hamlet 's weakness that allows the ghost of his father to persuade him to carry out the revenge of his father 's murder. Hamlet 's madness is a cover story for his future actions towards the reigning King Claudius. This presents a character vs. self conflict throughout the play creating the play within the play. Hamlet cannot decide, therefore, he becomes unsure (insane) to his mother, Uncle, and …show more content…
In the article, “Fathers and Sons in Hamlet” (Rasmussen), Rasmussen states, “Hamlet avenges the murder of his father by killing Claudius - an action which is reflected both in a subplot (Laertes avenging the murder of his father, Polonius, by killing Hamlet).” As Hamlet seeks revenge upon King Claudius, Laertes plots the future murder of Hamlet. The subplot presented in “Hamlet” attains a chain of events in which a son enacts revenge upon the murder of their father. Laertes does not only want revenge for the murder of his father, but also for the insanity of his sister caused by the death of their father. Laetes vows to avenge both the death of his father and the death of his sister (suicide caused by her insanity). In the occurrence of these events Hamlet is in England, where he has been sent by his mother and uncle to recover from his insanity. Upon Hamlet 's return he discovers Ophelia 's grave and is stricken with grief. Laertes sees that Hamlet has arrived back home and devises a plan to murder Hamlet with the help of King Claudius. The plot will take place in the form of a fencing match, where Laertes believes he can deceive Hamlet with poison and end Hamlet once and for all. The symbolism of poison is significant in “Hamlet” because it was the same substance used by Claudius to kill the first Hamlet (former

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