Poverty In America

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Poverty is the state of lacking a certain amount of material possessions or money. Poverty can affect anyone but yet it is more likely affects certain demographic. It affect minorities like African Americans and Hispanics more than white Americans. It is more likely to affect women more than man. Poverty in America can’t be solved until we solve the inequality that leads to it.
Poverty in the United States is at 15 percent currently. How is the poverty in the United States being addressed? Well it is not being addressed very well through the social welfare system. The poverty in the United States is more likely to affect certain demographic groups and that is what needs to be fixed. 32 percent of the houses lead by women are in poverty compared
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This causes the subordinate groups to be placed in sections and then they are exploited for their resources. This is what is happening in these high poverty neighborhoods. The citizens are being used for the labor when they are incarcerated after being arrested for their illegal activities. Which people in their low socio-economic states are forced to do either low skill and low paid job or find other means. The other option is trade school and while that can have a big investment, there is no flexibility in that field. This means they does not have the potential to adapt as the job markets change leaving them at a disadvantage. With internal colonialism the minorities are being exhausted of the resources for the advantage of the dominant. The Africans American and the Hispanic are being used for the labor by working a minimum wage job. The Native Americans are being used for their land that way “they are land rich and dirt poor” (Lui 2006). The land is protected by the government but the natives are not getting all the rewards from the …show more content…
There is current 126 programs in the welfare system and 72 of the provide cash assistance. 13 of these programs are anti-poverty programs. An example of this program is temporary assistance for needy family (TANF) this provides a temporary cash assistance for low income people. The only catch is the individual can only be there for five years during their lifetime. The Pell grant provides assistance to low income college students to help them for their education. Head Start provides preschool for the low income. WIC help women infant and children in low income areas gains access to food. There is also the Earned income tax credit, which help only the adults with children. Job training programs help transition people into the working force and into the working class. The jobs provided are usual vocational job that can range from truck driver to radiology technician. The United States is trying to help the poverty, but this is only these welfare programs are only treating it and not actually beating the war.
Medicaid is there to help people with low income get affordable health care for themselves especially if they are disabled. Medicaid is also accessible to adults 65 and older so they can benefit from Medicare and Medicaid. On the opposite spectrum, there is Children's health insurance program (CHIP) “provides free or low-cost health coverage for more than 7 million children up to age 19” (Insure

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