Compare And Contrast Liberal Views On Poverty

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There are in fact different individuals and groups that have different views on what causes poverty in a society and how to fix the problem so that the United States economy can flourish. But, in order to properly address the cause of poverty, one must know what poverty is. Poverty is the state in which families or individuals are extremely poor. And what is meant by extremely poor is by having little to no money, food, or any means of support in general that is necessary for sustaining good health. As stated before, there are many individuals and groups who have ideas and views of what the cause of poverty is, for example Liberal Views and Conservative views. Generally a democratic view and a republican view on what causes poverty in a society. …show more content…
The strong suit that liberal views hold, is that they are looking for equality all around which is good to an extent, because it displays that no one should be left without an opportunity to reach their full potential and that everyone gets a chance. With that being said equality all around is also its weakness. Not everyone is the same, so for example some may not be motivated as others. Keeping that in mind, some people may be actually poor and need assistance to meet the necessary conditions to living a healthy life, but then there are those who aren’t poor and who are just claiming to the government that they are in poverty to get “free” money resulting in more federal spending to fund these programs that “help” the “poor”. That is what conservatives cannot endure, spending federal money to induce society on being lazy. On the Conservative hand, its strength on their view of poverty is that there is a sound and structured way of living your life and that in order to be above the poverty line, there are certain norms that should be adapted to have a better future. With that being said, that structured way of life sometimes isn’t ideal to others or doesn’t even fit to the living conditions of different people and is therefore the weakness a conservative view has. Because everyone is different, the already poor would find it rather tough to save when only making so little and by only having little resources to help. As a result they cant take advantage of that free enterprise system conservatists harp about and are stuck on idle because they simply cant save enough more than they spend and with those low paying jobs they cant pursue that educational and employment opportunity to climb the ladder. That is what the liberals cannot comprise with. They believe that conservatists aren’t focusing on the micro level of the

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