Poem Analysis Of Always Something More Beautiful By Stephen Dunn

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Always Something More Beautiful, Stephen Dunn, born in Forest Hills, NY. Stephen Dunn was known as an American poet and educator, which all his poems reflect the social, cultural, psychological are of the American middle class. This poem’s title might reflect on the narrator’s life and how beautiful it can be. I got attracted to this poem, because it reminded me when I was at the Regionals for a Cross-Country race and reflected how human’s life can be fair or beautiful. Dunn’s poem contains a cluster of nouns that represents the poem theme or main idea, however each cluster has a different meaning to the reader’s and narrator’s perspective. One of the clusters of nouns that demonstrates the theme in Always Something More Beautiful, is race/event …show more content…
In line 5 through line 7 “Each of us would be testing excellence and endurance in the other, though in the past I’d often...”, refers of how Dunn’s poem is using this effect to increase readability and comprehension. Dunn’s point of view of this poem was to demonstrate how the race represents life and how it interacts to the narrator’s life. In addition, the poem describes how people in life sometimes goes off track and walks into a different path. In line 9 through line 12 “allowing myself to pursue something odd or beautiful, becoming acquainted with a few of the ways not to blame myself for failing to succeed”, as it displays mixed feelings to the reader, also considering that the poem is about happiness and despair. Throughout the poem, the element that stand out or influenced me to choose this poem, was the fitting surprise because it creates each sentence to have a surprising or shock turns that makes the readers to analyze the poem. Also, the syntax and structure of the poem establishes the movement of tone, including the theme of the poem. Which the theme of the poem is about life and how some things might get you off track, then it can disappoint you sometimes. However, if you work on the problems or obstacles, then you can accomplish it with a greater

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