Your name: Matthew King Date: October 16, 2015 Your section: 001 1. Complete Classification: (ITIS: 2014 ) Common Name: Two-toed Amphiuma Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Order: Caudata Family: Amphiumidae Genus: Amphiuma Species (G. s.e.): Amphiuma means Species information 2a.…
Eurycea rathbuni otherwise known as Texas Blind Salamanders are incredible creatures that do not get their fair share of attention compared to animals such as cheetahs and lions. Specifically, they are only known to reside within the dark water filled caves of Edward’s Aquifer in Hays County, Texas.5 Thus, this species was discovered by the San Marcos National Fishery, which is now known as Texas State University.5,6 In 1967, Eurycea Rathbuni was listed as an endangered species, and within ten years it was entered into a breeding program at the San Marcos Fish Hatchery.3,6 The Texas Blind Salamander is a Eukaryotic organism that belongs to the Kingdom: Animalia; Phylum: Chordata; Class: Amphibia; Order: Caudata; and Family: Plethodontidae.5 All members of the Class Amphillia contain a vertebrate and four legs.7 Animals within this classification must also lay their eggs in water otherwise they will die…
Just north of Key Biscayne in sunny Miami, Virgina Key is a protected barrier Island in the Atlantic ocean. Consisting of 863 acres of land, it was once much larger, extending into the Ft. Lauderdale area. Between 1835 and 1838 hurricanes eroded the beach, creating inlets and dividing the island in two. The other portion became Fisher Island, which sits at the southernmost tip of Miami Beach. Virgina Key was a part of the civil rights movement.…
(Nekaris, K., & Jayewardene, J., 2006). They are part of the order of primates and the family of Lorisidae. The family of Lorisidae consists of 3 distinct primates; the Asian lorises, pottos, and the African angwantibos. ( B. Vijitha Perera, B. (n.d.). EDGE of Existence.).…
Julia Alvarez’s novel was structured in a way that is uncommon. Because the story was told in reverse chronological order it made readers to shift their perspectives around as more information was revealed about the Garcia family. Though the story may have been confusing at first for some readers, Alvarez wrote in such a way that everything fell into places as time went on. This can be seen as successful storytelling on Alvarez’s part. Julia Alvarez’s use of structure really made a difference when telling the story of not only person but a whole family.…
Two new fossil representatives of plant bugs of the family Miridae that belong to the subfamily Psallopinae: Psallops eocenicus sP. nov. and Psallops bitterfeldi sP. nov. from Baltic amber (Upper Eocene) are described as new specimens. These representatives of Psallopinae are one of the oldest fossil bugs of the recent genus Psallops to be known to date. Keywords Heteroptera, Miridae, Psallopoinae, Psallops, new species, Eocene Baltic amber.…
What is a small blue frog that is poisonous? The blue poison dart frog of course. Blue poison dart frogs are very interesting animals. They are interesting because they are the most poisonous type of frogs.…
Jessica Hockett Dr. Kleber BIO 111 2 May, 2017 Sugar Gliders In the terms of Biology, all species has what is known as Taxonomic Classifications. At the top of the list, we have domains. There are three types of domains; they are Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea.…
Since this organism is multi-cellular and it’s made from eukaryotic cells, the Domain of this organism of Eukarya. This organism is made up of animal cell, i.e. there is no cell wall, no central vacuole, and there are no chloroplasts, which means that it falls under the Animalia group in Kingdom. By definition, Chordata have a notochord. The dingo has a notochord, which make it fall under the Chordata in the Phylum category. Moreover, Chordatas are deuterostomes, which means that the anus develops before the mouth.…
Anhinga anhinga Sub-species a. Anhinga anhinga leucogaster (Viellot 1816; Nelson 2005) b. Anhinga anhinga anhinga…
There is only four species identified within the genus. The Anhinga is related to the darter family. The Anhinga falls under the kingdom Animalia, (del Hoyo, et al., 1992; Hennemann, 1985; Isenring, 1997). The Anhinga has been seen in a variety of climates from tropical to subtropical, which areas are known to have warm weather.…
10 October 2014 References Sheh-May Tam, Peter C. Boyce, Tim M. Upson, Denis Barabé, Anne Bruneau, Felix Forest and John S. Parker (2004), Intergeneric and infrafamilial phylogeny of subfamily Monsteroideae (Araceae) revealed by chloroplast <011>trnL-F sequences, American Journal of Botany 91: 490–498, doi:10.3732/ajb.91.3.490, PMID 21653404 M. C. DREW 2006…
This study examined the Phrynosomatidae family, due to several suspected origins of viviparity within the family and availability of genetic data for the majority of the species included in the family. Additionally it appeared that the viviparous species did not completely adhere to the cold climate hypothesis, such as oviparous species in colder areas of high elevation. This allowed the authors to examine potential deviations from supporting data. The authors utilized new methods such as phylogenetic logistic regression and Bayesian implementation, which tested relationships between continuous variables and discrete variables. These methods allowed comparison between environmental data and a phylogeny, which was created from data for five mitochondrial and eight nuclear loci.…
This paper will refer to the domain of Archaea. The archaea are single-celled prokaryotes that were classified in the bacteria domain naming them the Archaeabacteria. Until just recently the scientific community decided that these special creatures belonged in their very own domain. The archaea resembled the eukaryotes more than the bacteria even though they were still a prokaryotic organism.…
2.1 Microalgae. The term microalgae refer to the microscopic algae and the oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, i.e. the cyanobacteria, formerly known as Cyanophyceae (Richmond 2004). The word algae represent a large group of different organisms from different phylogenetic groups, representing many taxonomic divisions. In general algae can be referred to as plant-like organisms that are usually photosynthetic and aquatic, but do not have true roots, stems, leaves, vascular tissue and have simple reproductive structures.(Christi,Y.2007).…