Broome, Barbara A. “Perseverance.” Journal Of Cultural Diversity, vol. 19, no. 3, 2012, pp.71. Academic Search Complete. e28117c3-d519-4ac1-9590
Erich Maria Remarque shows a great deal of perseverance in his writing of All Quiet on the Western Front. Broome says, “Consider for a moment the perseverance of the author Dr. Suess. His first children's book was rejected by twenty-three publishers.” Dr. Suess would rank high among the most well known children’s authors of the past century. Ironically, he had to persevere and finally stumble upon that one publisher that would provide him the opportunity to achieve literary popularity. According to All Quiet on the …show more content…
According to the online essay, “His past actions were determined by fate, but what he did in Thebes, he did so of his own will.” Oedipus was destined by fate to experience certain things, but he also used free will to make his own decisions. In Oedipus the King, “5 He shall be proved father and brother both to his own children in his own house; to her that gave him birth, a son and husband both; …sower in his father’s bed with that same father that he murdered” (line 535-9). Oedipus was destined by fate to kill his father and sleep with his mother. Free will let him figure it all …show more content…
We cannot see him so we must have faith in him. According to Gottcent, “…God does indeed demonstrate great power. He can destroy…He can save…And he can replenish…” (pp. 6). God has complete power and he can change us and make us better people. It may sometimes mean a catastrophe. According to Genesis chapter 7, “ And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights”(verse 12). God brought a flood onto the Earth to punish and cleanse the Earth. God puts it all back together and makes the world good again.
Greed is God: The Genesis of the Christian Share Index. Independent, 27 April 2010, Greed is seen everywhere in almost every story plot. According to the Independent, “They say that money is the root of all evil. Or do they?” Where exactly does greed start? Money does cause lots greed and sometimes it can get very bad. In Genesis chapter, “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband…” (verse 6). Greed started a long time ago with the very first people to ever be on