Boxer uses his strength and what intelligence he has to gain the trust and appreciation of the other animals in his class. “...he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work” (Animal Farm 5). He has such blind loyalty to his leaders, no matter the situation around him, “His answer to every problem, every setback, was “I will work harder!”-which he had adopted as his personal motto” (Animal Farm 29). The mottos and responses that Boxer gives out to Napoleon and his position on the farm give the other animals someone on their own level to follow and live up
Boxer uses his strength and what intelligence he has to gain the trust and appreciation of the other animals in his class. “...he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work” (Animal Farm 5). He has such blind loyalty to his leaders, no matter the situation around him, “His answer to every problem, every setback, was “I will work harder!”-which he had adopted as his personal motto” (Animal Farm 29). The mottos and responses that Boxer gives out to Napoleon and his position on the farm give the other animals someone on their own level to follow and live up