Kayla Barnes
Indiana University-Purdue University of Fort Wayne
Overeaters Anonymous Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a support group which helps its members to recover from compulsive binge eating, a disorder which causes people to habitually ingest unusually large quantities of food. The majority of people overeat on occasions, like Thanksgiving, for example, but overeating can transition into binge-eating disorder and then it becomes a frequent occurrence.
When one suffers from binge-eating disorder, he or she may be profoundly embarrassed about their binges and promise to stop. Unfortunately, they feel a strong, fervent compulsion, which in turn, makes it extremely difficult to refrain from binging. It is an extremely difficult disorder for one to deal with alone. If someone has binge-eating disorder, treatment, like OA, can help.
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OA offers meetings worldwide to help struggling binge eaters gain back control of their lives. In Fort Wayne, there are four meetings locations and each location offers a meeting one day per week. The Fort Wayne Locations are at Park Center, Saint John’s Lutheran Church, Parkview YMCA, and Reliable Cleaning Services. The only location that is not an open support group is the OA meeting at Parkview YMCA. OA meetings are not gender specific and people of all ages are allowed to attend their meetings. Along with support groups, OA also offers telephone and online meetings for those who are not able to of attend (OA Program