In the late 1970’s, when Carter was president, America was experiencing extreme stagflation where there was great inflation as well as zero rate of economic change, a stagnant economy. This resulted in the US, as well as Britain, turning to neoliberalism in hopes of changing the economy’s current condition (Harvey). While neoliberalism is interpreted by Harvey as, “a political project to re-establish the conditions for capital accumulation and to restore power to the economic elites”, which is exactly what neoliberalism does, advocates for neoliberalism were focusing on the idea of freedom to get many Americans to believe that this was the way to go. Not only this, but neoliberalism proposed the bettering of the population’s lives by “liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms”, widely through a deregulated market and trade (Harvey). When Ronald Raegan became president, defeating Carter, he turned much more eagerly to neoliberalism than Carter had been (Harvey). An era of deregulation on corporations took off full
In the late 1970’s, when Carter was president, America was experiencing extreme stagflation where there was great inflation as well as zero rate of economic change, a stagnant economy. This resulted in the US, as well as Britain, turning to neoliberalism in hopes of changing the economy’s current condition (Harvey). While neoliberalism is interpreted by Harvey as, “a political project to re-establish the conditions for capital accumulation and to restore power to the economic elites”, which is exactly what neoliberalism does, advocates for neoliberalism were focusing on the idea of freedom to get many Americans to believe that this was the way to go. Not only this, but neoliberalism proposed the bettering of the population’s lives by “liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms”, widely through a deregulated market and trade (Harvey). When Ronald Raegan became president, defeating Carter, he turned much more eagerly to neoliberalism than Carter had been (Harvey). An era of deregulation on corporations took off full