Keynesian economic theory dictates that in times of recession the economy may not naturally return to a state of full employment and the government must step in and utilise fiscal policy to stimulate economic growth and thus employment (Sheehan 2009, p.239). This is demonstrated in the 1945 government White Paper on Employment which states “When employment tends to decline, resources can be usefully employed to embark on developmental work and to improve the collective capital equipment of the community”(Gollan 1969, p.183). Macintyre (1999, p.109) explains that this meant the state accepted increasing responsibility and involvement in “the regulation and oversight of the economic structures”. This is demonstrated by the introduction of the Snowy Mountains Scheme which generated large scale employment by damming rivers to create hydroelectric plants. As Carson and Kerr (2013, p.55) explain this scheme ran for 5 years and employed thousands of
Keynesian economic theory dictates that in times of recession the economy may not naturally return to a state of full employment and the government must step in and utilise fiscal policy to stimulate economic growth and thus employment (Sheehan 2009, p.239). This is demonstrated in the 1945 government White Paper on Employment which states “When employment tends to decline, resources can be usefully employed to embark on developmental work and to improve the collective capital equipment of the community”(Gollan 1969, p.183). Macintyre (1999, p.109) explains that this meant the state accepted increasing responsibility and involvement in “the regulation and oversight of the economic structures”. This is demonstrated by the introduction of the Snowy Mountains Scheme which generated large scale employment by damming rivers to create hydroelectric plants. As Carson and Kerr (2013, p.55) explain this scheme ran for 5 years and employed thousands of