There was a medical examination being held in order to see if anyone has gold crowns so that they can melt them down and sell them. Elie pretends to be sick so that he doesn’t have to get his tooth extracted. He knows that it has worth, and he could possibly be able to trade for food. Elie’s father makes him give up his gold crown to melt down and give it to Fanek so that he can melt it down and make profit from it. The dentist says, "Couldn't you wait a few days, sir?" I don't feel well, I have a fever..."(Wiesel 52) This shows kindness because the dentist could have just taken it out, but he thought about his patient and how he could wait a few days for his benefit. In conclusion, “Night” shows how kindness can overpower negativity, even in the darkest times. Kindness is not only a virtue, but it is also a reflection of how we share love with others. This book shows how some people do little acts of kindness despite everything they go through. Kindness makes people feel happier and optimistic. Elie, the prisoner, and the dentist made little efforts to try and think about others and what would be good for them. Instead of being selfish and not caring about what other people feel or
There was a medical examination being held in order to see if anyone has gold crowns so that they can melt them down and sell them. Elie pretends to be sick so that he doesn’t have to get his tooth extracted. He knows that it has worth, and he could possibly be able to trade for food. Elie’s father makes him give up his gold crown to melt down and give it to Fanek so that he can melt it down and make profit from it. The dentist says, "Couldn't you wait a few days, sir?" I don't feel well, I have a fever..."(Wiesel 52) This shows kindness because the dentist could have just taken it out, but he thought about his patient and how he could wait a few days for his benefit. In conclusion, “Night” shows how kindness can overpower negativity, even in the darkest times. Kindness is not only a virtue, but it is also a reflection of how we share love with others. This book shows how some people do little acts of kindness despite everything they go through. Kindness makes people feel happier and optimistic. Elie, the prisoner, and the dentist made little efforts to try and think about others and what would be good for them. Instead of being selfish and not caring about what other people feel or