The EHR system is …show more content…
By installing the right EHR system for our organization, I believe our system can be dramatically turned around. It’s important to have essential support in the making of this decision, corporate culture will play a great role as well, resistance to change should be anticipated, the customer/vendor partnership MUST be nurtured and the clinical value of this project is the heart of this project.
The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) is a system that was made to assist in promoting national correct coding methodologies. It also helps to control incorrect/improper coding. This was implemented in 1996 and is updated quarterly.
The 837P (professional) is used by health care professionals and suppliers, in the standard format, to transmit health care claims in a digital form. X12N is the insurance section of ASC X12 for the health industry’s administrative transactions. The claims being billed electronically bu health care professionals and suppliers must comply with the ASC X12N implementation guide. “ASC X12N implementation guides are the specific technical instructions for implementing each of the …show more content…
This process can effect other processes alike. When issues occur early in the process however, the further that the issue travels throughout the revenue cycle, the more difficult the recovery process will become, cost wise. The revenue cycle is complex but with people and technology working together consistently and well, the revenue cycle process changes the health care industry.
3) When measuring a patient’s severity of illness (SOI), at discharge, a severity score is given into one of four levels that determines the burden of the condition or illness.
There are 7 stages in which a physician would go by to determine this. The stages include, “1) stage of the principal diagnosis, 2) complications from the current principal diagnosis, 3) concurrent interacting conditions that affect the hospital course, 4) dependency on hospital staff, 5) extent of non-operating room life support procedures, 6) rate of response to therapy and rate of recovery, and 7) impairment remaining after the therapy for the acute aspect of the hospitalization.“ (The Severity of Illness Index as a severity adjustment to diagnosis-related groups) The four levels in which the patient is placed by on level of severity, going from the least severe to the most severe. Level 1 being the most severe and level 4 being the least severe. The Severity of Illness Index can also be used within DRG’s (diagnosis related