Race Relations In Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Race relations are a problem that have plagued society for a number of centuries, from Columbus’ poor treatment of the Native Americans, to today’s plentiful race related stereotypes. Time after time, racism has been a horrible practice of some, while many have tried to eradicate the issue. Slavery was a particularly dark period of race relations in America, in the form of white men who claimed ownership of his black brothers. This was solely on the basis of a pseudoscience that they were inferior, and thus weren 't worthy of basic human rights. It was a sordid period in human history, yet some of history’s great leaders and heroes arose in opposing this great evil. Among the most important and vocal of the leaders of the antislavery movement were Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Through their books Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Douglass and Stowe respectively compel American citizens of the time to oppose slavery, thus beginning a wave of change for the better. Douglass’ book presents a more compelling and effective anti-slavery argument than that of Stowe. Douglass’ argument is stronger; it lives in the ethos appeal of his own personal experience as a slave and in the pathos appeal that his life and struggles elicit. On the contrary, Stowe has no such personal experience as her work is fictional, and although her characters are sympathetic and realistic, they can never match the credibility of Douglass in his narrative. While Stowe’s novel was more successful, as it sold 300,000 copies in its first 3 months (History.com), it focuses on a smaller sect of society: women. …show more content…
Douglass’ focus is more broad, consequently making its point stronger. Specifically, Stowe’s book focuses upon the bonds between women such as Eliza and their families, as well as how slavery wrecks said bonds. Stowe makes this focus clear in Uncle Tom’s Cabin when she depicts the conversation between Master Shelby and his wife after he had agreed to sell off Eliza 's only son so he could pay off his mortgage, “‘Well, I can believe anything now,—I can believe now that you could sell little Harry, poor Eliza 's only child!’ said Mrs. Shelby, in a tone between grief and indignation” (Stowe 28). Through the angst of Mrs. Shelby, Stowe is prominently displaying the crux of her novel. By demonstrating indignation for the practices of slavery from a white slaveholding woman, she is intending to garner sympathy for slaves like Eliza from her audience, and hoping that they convince those in their life to believe the same. Furthermore, Stowe appeals to women in that she connects with a mother 's sense of grief; a common issue for slave women, like Eliza, was that they were often parted from their children. On the contrary, Douglass focuses upon a larger idea, one that speaks to anyone of any gender and any race. Specifically, he is speaking to the horrendous oppression that slaves endure; a topic which any human could sympathize with. Douglass makes this oppression apparent when he describes his reaction to being told that the reading lessons from his master’s wife, Sophia Fuld, were being discontinued on the basis that education ruins a slave, “Whilst I was saddened by the thought of losing the aid of my kind mistress, I was gladdened by the invaluable instruction which, by the merest accident, I had gained from my master” (Douglass 32). In his lack of education, he had ironically been able to find information. Hugh Auld’s cessation of Douglass’ education from Sophia clarified the source of power for white people; they intentionally hold back their slaves through specific strategy. In Douglass’ case, his owners attempted to hold him back by forcing ignorance upon him. Furthermore, this encounter demonstrates to him that education is the key both to freeing himself and to impairing the power of the white man over slaves. The fact that he was purposefully deprived of education and kept ignorant, just so he could be easily mistreated, would appeal to more people as it speaks to the natural human desire for knowledge. While both texts appeal to their audience 's hearts and minds, those of Douglass are ultimately stronger. For example, Douglass’ book is

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