Modern Statute of Murder …show more content…
There have been additions to the common law, this shapes the current definition and punishments of first and second degree murder. Murder in Texas is still defined as murder as death by poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starvation, willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing. Homicides occurring during an arson, rape, robbery, or kidnapping is also defined in Texas as murder. The punishments set forth by the common law are still in effect today. One of the biggest submissions has been the state recognizing attempted murder as actual murder. If the indictment supports the submission of first degree murder, the defendant is charged as such. Attempted murder can also be tried as second degree murder, or a Class B felony. (State v. Jones, 2004) Texas has also remained strict on attempted murder by not requiring the ability to carry out the act. This means that someone just must demonstrate the desire or will to carry out the act. If caught, this person can be tried with second degree murder or a Class B