Mongol Empire Dbq

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The Mongols were a nomadic group of people that originated in Central Asia. The leader, Genghis Khan, organized the people and used superb military tactics to conquer others and eventually established the largest empire in the world to this day. The Mongols controlled most of the Middle East and adopted many of the Muslim Empire’s techniques for success mainly influencing society, while varying aspects of their government. However, Islam continued to grow and influence society even under Mongol control and after it as well. The empire spanned from China to East of Turkey in the West, and from Russia in the North to Tibet in the South. Eventually, the empire dissolved into four separate states, that were all trade friendly, but not united as …show more content…
is the Silk Road, which was not a trade route that existed solely for the purpose of trading silk, but many other commodities were also traded, from gold and ivory to exotic animals and plants. This ran from Asia to different parts of Europe and connected to parts of Africa. Before the Mongols occupied Baghdad, the Muslim Empire controlled the Western end of the trade route. Back then, Baghdad was the seat of the Abbasid caliphs from the eighth century. In 1248, Genghis Khan’s grandson Möngke became the great khan of the Mongols and resolved to extend his sway to the Middle East and beyond that, if possible, to Syria and Egypt. The Mongols advanced on Baghdad and demanded the city’s surrender. The Mongols conquered Asia because the shah of Central Asia, not knowing anything about the Mongols, killed the envoys for being insolent enough to request changes in the conditions of trade between the Mongols and the Central Asians. The Mongols were known for their encouragement for free trade and with control of both ends of the trade route they used it to spread goods and diseases formed throughout Asia and Europe. Trading was the main purpose that technology advances and kept the Mongols in power that differed from Asia and …show more content…
They decided to incorporate their government and various methods into bettering society from these advancements. The Mongols, however, lost control in the Eastern part of the Silk Road after introducing a new form of currency. It caused a downfall in their trading network. The Mongols, invested all their resources in building up the Western regions, but the Muslims came back to have their vengeance. The new Muslim empire propped up by the Mongol empire and expanded and spread their cultural and technological advances made by the Muslim empire. Currency affected the whole game of trading because it implemented huge amounts of taxes towards the government, later on it created bigger

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