Even though, most of the descendants of African slaves make up the majority population on caribbean islands it still has White, Indian, Chinese, Native American people who were born and raised in the islands. The caribbean is a cultural melting pot of mixed races. African Culture is blended with European culture. Numerous islands to this day still have ties with Europe and still exhibit their traditions. An example of this is Jamaica which is independent now still follows the British education system.
In the caribbean there is a search of essence because many people from the islands have issues with defining their culture. Representation is important because some people who are not sure if they are closer to the African culture or the European culture. They do not know what represents them. This is a problem for both Blacks and Whites who were born and raised in the caribbean. Colonization and enslavement killed the origin of these people. The indigenous people no longer exist and ceased to exist once the Europeans arrived. This began the lost of the trace of origin. Colonization is a trauma to their true identities.
Not one caribbean island looks like another. There are different physical features of each person, cultures, traditions, and languages. These ideas all reflect the influence of colonization. Therefore, the caribbean is very complex place where its culture and identity is not easily