Plato’s writings focuses on figuring out if human beings better off being just than unjust. Employing the study of a good city, he finds the ultimate justice as a virtue of a human being.
Even though his findings on what a good city is, are challenged multiple times, with strong arguments and supporting evidences, he has reached to an ultimate finding that a just city is good, and so is a just man. In Plato’s Republic, we find the then prevailing societal status, one of which is the dominance of patriarchy (the male-dominant form of society). Men, according to him, is superior than the women and does creative works, while women does the domestic work, takes care of the house, and provides satisfaction to her husband, and even between the men, there is a clear cut differences between the societal statuses. He considers certain group of men as gold- the ones who has the power of command and the greatest honor, silver – the auxiliaries, a little higher than the citizens, and brass, and iron-the husbandmen and the craftsmen, who are the citizens of the state. He, further, suggests that these trend be preserved in the children, as well. There exist a fine line between these societal groups that if they are mingled, then the ranks are transposed. He further states that the mingling can destroy the entire state. Jefferson’s writing does not consist of the societal class or any clear distinction between men, and women and in fact, he considers every human being to be born with fundamental rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As per him, human being, as a humble citizen of a country, can alter or abolish the system of government, if it does not favor the will of the majority of the citizens, and he further states that the will of the majority always succeed, if a decision is made in a right, and a reasonable way. The only distinction that he has made in his writing on the status of a human being, is the difference based on their political affiliations. The human beings that are suited for the highest position in the country, according to Plato, are the ones who are educated, as true education civilizes and humanize them to their relations to another human being. According to him, such human being should not possess any property, or house, or store of their own, and keep themselves away from the materialistic world. They should seldom depend on the citizens for anything and in case they do, it impairs their virtue. Jefferson’s describe those individual as the ones who strive for harmony, peace, and safety, and do so with truth, temperance, and honesty. Jefferson states that with richness comes power, but human beings usually forget right as they possess wealth. In a general sense, as a human being, everyone should tend to live a life …show more content…
Similarly, navigating through Plato’s writings, we could find the same concept in his writing that rulers or so-called guardians of the state, should act just and good. The concept that the rulers shall not indulge themselves to the materialism of the world in Jefferson’s writing could be compared with what Plato said in his writings where he says a guardian of the state shall strictly oppose any