Indians were attacking many communities around the area, so the people of Lancaster knew it was only a matter of time before they were next. While Mary was in Lancaster, and Joseph was in Boston trying to get protection from the government, Indians arrived and attacked many homes. They killed tons of people, and burned houses to the ground. As they made a path of destruction, they took captive many settlers such as, men, women, and children captive. Mary and her children were some of the settlers captured. …show more content…
The Indians were shooting anyone who dared to go outside, and the fire was leaving no room to survive inside. Many of the settlers were engulfed in flames, others were shot to death. Mary had no choice but to go outside. She placed her daughter in her arms, who was just a young child, and ran out the door. When she exited the house an Indian shot her in the side. The bullet not only hit her, but her youngest child, Sarah, as well. The Indians then proceeded to capture her.
Mary never doubted her faith in the Lord, even after the Indians captured her. She was however, very confused and upset with God when she was first taken. It was not until an Indian gave her a Bible, in the midst of her confusion, that her faith truly began to grow. Through her troubling times, Mary relied on the Bible for comfort and strength. God seem to be right by her side throughout her entire tormenting journey. She read the right scripture at the right time; this enabled her to grow stronger mentally and spiritually. Without God’s helping hand, Mary felt she would not make it to the