Martin Luther King Black Like Me

Decent Essays
“I have a dream, that my children will on day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King Jr. These incredible words by Martin have so much truth behind them and meaning, about the times through our history where blacks couldn’t use the same restroom as whites or even go to the same grocery store. They were treated like they were nobody’s but really each one of them were as important as whites, but whites didn’t see it that way. Black like me is about this guy that wanted to see what it was like to be black so he painted himself and went out in the world and witnessed how people treat him as a black but did he really experience what it’s like to be black? The critique of the book says that although griffin did observe …show more content…
Him as a black man he had to deal with all the hate and racism for 6 weeks but some of the blacks that he met along his journey had had to deal with it for as long as they have lived. Also, most of the blacks he had met didn’t have a job or maybe didn’t have a stable place to live or even a family, but Griffin while he was on his journey and encountering with other blacks he knew that when he was done that he was going to be able to go back to his job, his family, his friends, and his home. So, in conclusion I agree with what critique says I think even though he was black for 6 weeks and experience racism first hand that he will never be able to full understand and fully empathize what it’s really like to be black and how they feel because he hasn’t had to deal with what the blacks deal with all his life. He only had to deal with it for 6 weeks and within the 6 weeks towards the end we would go back and forth on being black and

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