Throughout his life, Poe had a hard time dealing with madness and insanity. He exemplified this in his well known story, “The Tell Tale Heart”. In it, the narrator repeatedly claims he is not mad, but in the climax of the story he is afflicted with guilt and nervousness as he thinks He hears, “the beating of the dead old man's heart.” Another example of madness in his writing is in “The Raven.” In this poem the narrator is filled with grief because of the loss of his love. When a Raven Flies into the narrator’s house, he starts asking it questions and he is driven mad …show more content…
This is shown in the story, “The Masque Of The Red Death.” In this story a king invites all of his friends to his palace to escape “The Red Death” which represents tuberculosis. After six months of parties, “The Red Death” got in and killed everyone which shows that no one, not even the king can escape, “The Red Death.” This symbolizes that in Poe’s life, tuberculosis took almost everything from him. The last example is from Annabel Lee. In it, the poem shows an example of someone being taken from the narrator by TB. The narrator suggested that the angels of heaven were jealous of the love between him and Annabel Lee. This is shown in this quote, “ With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me.” Death happened so much in his life, it is only right that he use it in his