Lord Of The Flies Society Essay

Improved Essays
Society shapes people to be civilized and follow the guidelines put in place by the society's leaders. In William Golding's novel, the reader experiences first hand what it's like to be separated from society and the progression of reverting back to human instincts. This novel can be used to prove the theory that society conditions people to conform to a chosen culture, and how people revert to their instincts without this conditioning. Through the experiences that take place throughout the book, the reader can learn in order to create the perfect, civilized human, they must have adult influence, order and consistent human interaction. It all begins when Jack Merridew decides: "Then we'll have to look over ourselves". This established that …show more content…
This has been proven to cause mental illnesses like depression, dementia, hallucination, paranoia, and illusions. Being cut off from all human contact and society as a whole can have awful effects on a person. Not only can it cause mental illnesses, but it also causes one to forget how to abide by social expectations, because they don't have other humans to interact with and keep them in check. For example, "These were the conditions we took normal now". This is when Ralph was realizing that he and the others were assimilating to these abnormal and unhealthy conditions. This is proof that when separated from society and consistent human interaction, people can lose touch of social expectations and civilized human nature. Altogether, The Lord of the Flies proves that children, and people of all ages, will begin to revert back to their human instincts after an extended period of time spent cut off from society and human interaction. However, for society to mold the perfect, civilized human, they must have adult influence, order, and consistent human interaction. All of us are different, but we only are because social conditioning has caused us to vary. As soon as we are separated from society, and other humans, we all become the same—a bunch of uncivilized savages, living in a corrupt, but natural

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