Throughout the novel, Gaines expresses different themes, in this case Prejudice, by using imagery within the description …show more content…
In Chapter 29, the viewpoint switches from Grant to Jefferson in order to further support his themes from the novel. “i been shakin an shakin but im gon stay strong”(233) This style of writing contrasts with the proper sentance structure of Grant and informs the reader that during this time, blacks were not given the same educational rights as whites resulting in a separation of class. In addition, Gaines uses this knowledge of the specific time period to make reference to the racial segregation in Bayonne. His repetition of the word “thing” in the quote “What you see here is a thing that acts on command. A thing to hold the handle of a plow, a thing to load your bales of cotton, a thing to dig your ditches, to chop your wood, to pull your corn.”(7-8) further dehumanizes Jefferson and demonstrates the racial prejudice in the community. Overall, diction proves to be important when striving to make an idea clear, but can also be useful when symbolizing important …show more content…
Gaines’s truly exemplifies the principles of effective storytelling in order to relay themes. Every description of character, setting, plot, and viewpoint expanded the overall meaning of the novel resulting in a powerful moral. His use of imagery, diction, and symbolism further enforced the summary, and themes of the text which substantiates the theory of Gaines being an effective storyteller. The novel truly engages the reader and gives one a better insight of the world today. Through the understanding of meaningful literature, one can go forward and be more aware of society and how it can be improved, and