Literary Analysis Of Once Upon A Time By Nadine Gordimer

Decent Essays
Sara Metheny
Mrs. McGovern
Pd. 8
Literary Analysis
Being human, one is entitled to worry. People fret about grades, money, their belongings, and most importantly their families. Too many, families are their world and will go to extreme measures to keep them from harm. In the story “Once Upon A Time” by Nadine Gordimer, there is a young family who lives in a segregated world. The parents of the young family use many intricate, and quite frankly, dangerous security systems to try to keep intruders out of the home. In the end of the story, the parents purchase the most dangerous system of them all. That day the boy decides to play make believe and climbs the barb wire thickets. He gets stuck in the wire and the little boy dies. In the

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