In the beginning of the poem, Bradstreet is sleeping during a calm and quiet night, and then suddenly, she wakes up by “thund’ring noise / And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice” (lines 3-4). She then sees that her house is burning in fire. Terrified, she cries out to God and prays so that God would help her. Her house eventually got entirely burned up, and Bradstreet ended up homeless, but she did not lose hope. She began to pull herself together and realized that God took away something that didn’t belong to her anyway.…
In the most common myth, the Daodejing was written by Laozi, before leaving China. The Daodejing is a short book of about five thousand Chinese characters. Many stories have circulated about what happened to Laozi after he left China, but no one is for certain. Daoists continue to worship Laozi til this day, and they consider him to be the human reincarnation of the Dao. The purpose of the Daodejing is dependent on who is interpreting the book.…
In the year 517 B.C, a man named Laozi (Lao Tzu), a contributor of Taoism (Daoism), was born. Not a lot was known about his life, but it was known that he worked at the royal court during the Zhou dynasty. Because of the growing corruption in the palace, Laozi decided to leave, but before he left, Laozi left behind his will, widely recognized today as the Tao Te Ching. Throughout history, there has been a battle for China’s most dominant religion. The two contenders were Taoism and Confucianism.…
The essay “Huizong’s New Clothes: Desire and Allegory in Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk.” by Lara Blanchard argues that “… Huizong’s scroll stands as a double-edged comment on his fitness as a ruler, one that takes a Tang Dynasty image of elite women’s longing and bends it to the will of the Northern Song Emperor” (129). This article is effective because of its thorough examination of Chinese allegories relating to Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk. This essay starts off by mentioning that depictions of elite women in Chinese painting often correspond with traditional Chinese erotic poetry. It then goes into the creator of this painting and how it is linked to Huizong.…
Lao-Tzu, the Idealistic Sage and His Utopia Preface Before starting to write the main paper, please allow me to write a preface for this essay because this topic is special and important to me. Although I majored in Chinese History and Chinese Classical Literature while I was a first year college student in China before I came to the United States, as an international student, writing a serious academic paper about the Chinese classic masterpiece Tao-te Jing and the Great Master Lao-Tzu…
The art of poetry is a vast discipline in which the creations of the poets take on a multitude of different forms. Not only are there a large number of poetic structures that an author can choose from, there are also many parts within those structures that can be modified to lead to an even more diverse array of final products. The author has a great many choice when it comes to choosing the structure of their poem, they can vary the number of lines per stanza, the length of each line, and the number of syllables per line. Other variations the poet can make include content changes such as choosing to use rhyming words, repeated sounds like alliteration, and figurative devices such as personification. Even in poetry forms with strict guidelines,…
“Sourness and bitterness come from the interfering and unappreciative mind. Life itself, when understood and utilized for what it is, is sweet (Benjamin Hoff pg 6)”. This quote conveys the fact that people only suffer in life and are “sour” because they do not appreciate their surroundings and take in time to breathe in the air. Since pooh of course is a character that is the most sweet and lives simple he represents a person who is not sour. If one was to look more and understand nature they would bring peace into any situation or task that comes at hand.…
Lao Can is a symbol of spirituality, shown through his unraveling of injustice throughout the excerpt, his juxtaposition against the magistrate - Shen Dongzao - toward the end of chapter six, and through the author’s comparison of his activity level to the symbol used for the cycle of moral rise and…
He was describing how Buddhism and Confucianism are similar, so Buddhism could get some recognition and not be persecuted so much. His intended audience for this writing was most probably for the imperial household as he wanted to convince them that…
This is a Confucian essay written by Jia Yi, a confucian poet and statesman of the Han dynasty. The essay’s purpose was to explain to readers that the fall of the Qin dynasty was because of Chen She, who was the leader at the time of the fall. In the essay Jia Yi explains that Chen She is untalented and that he lacked humanness as well as rightness. These are qualities that he felt good leaders should have. Overall Yi felt that the fall of the Qin dynasty occurred because of Chen…
In the studied account of Liu Dapeng life by Henrietta Harrison, The Man Awakened from Dreams takes the reader on a journey through the history of China during the 19th and 20th century through a first-hand account of Dapeng’s writings from the time of 1891 up until his death in 1942. Dapeng was a Confucian scholar and teacher who held onto his Confucian beliefs he had gained during his youth throughout his life while China in retrospect changed drastically. Dapend grew up in the village of Chiqiao located in northern China in Shanxi province. Dapeng 's writings were never published and without Harrison 's discovery Liu Dapeng may have faded away in history unrecognized. Through the analysis of Dapeng’s writings the reader is able to better…
After analysing these two poems we can observe that “Fern Hill” by Dylan Thomas and “Let’s go to Barry Island, Maggie fach” by Idris Davies have many similarities as well as many differences. This can be seen during many occasions throughout both poems. In both poems the two main themes are people and places. In the poem “Fern Hill” the theme of people is revealed in the first stanza as Dylan Thomas personifies “Time” so that the reader thinks that “time” is a person.…
The author describes how the character “drew a clear line between the internal and external and recognized the boundaries of true glory and disgrace (Zhuang,…
Bruce Meyer describes that a poem “whether happy or sad, is driven by a profound sense of love”. Meyer commonly writes poetry following the themes of lost love, heartbreak, suffering from pain and nature. Through his various works of poetry Meyer describes the pain and suffering of love and connects it with nature. Meyer himself describes his personal affinity for nature, as he lives across from a botanical garden, as well as his description of “people watching” for inspiration. His natural affinity for nature sets many poems in nature, relating back to humans and love.…
Compare and contrast the way the poets explore the theme of discrimination in ‘Disabled’ and ‘Still I Rise’. Both poets portray the theme of discrimination expressing their memories about key moments in their lives. Owen faced World War 1 at a young age and saw enough pain and suffering for more than a lifetime. On the other hand, he still gained experience from this and shared the loneliness of discrimination with other people. Angelou, however was abused at a very young age which saw her muted for over 5 years; in this time she was isolated from everyone until she found poetry as a medium to express her thoughts and feelings about discrimination.…