Magazine. This would later become a classic example of feminism subtly, but notably gaining traction; by speaking out silently. This was an ongoing trend in the past decades, and she just happened to be one of the more famous feminist writers to provide her input. What a better example, than the mocking of the textbooks that schools gave to children; teaching them how to be a good wife. The whole idea of the article is showing how much a wife has to go through, and how amazing they are for doing all of that. The article would also go over how little the wife would get in return. Showcasing the limited rights truly had back in the 70s. Even after fighting for rights, gaining lots of momentum; yet they still had very high expectations of what to do. This is why it was released with the very first issue of Ms. Magazine, with the first issue selling out nationwide. Due to this, the article gained widespread momentum, spreading even more desire for more rights. As there was already people fighting for them, this was just stoking the fire. Even now it is still used as a textbook example of feminist …show more content…
“Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S” (Suicide). With the death rates reaching upwards of 45,000 per year; “For every suicide, 25 attempt” (Suicide). That is twenty five people attempting to commit suicide, for everytime someone commits suicide. It’s a very serious issue, with little to no real help that people know of. A person can feel alone, that the world is against them. One of the many ways people combat this is by distracting themselves by listening to music, reading, or video games. With music probably being one of the more powerful; with a mixture of soul, rhythm, and lots of hidden meaning. There weren’t many songs that promoted lifelines, and if they did, definitely not as directly as “1-800-273-8255”. “Stopping people from committing suicide, and boosting the number of calls to the lifeline by upwards of 50% in one night after the Grammy Awards Ceremony. With the release of the music itself boosting the number of calls to the lifeline by upwards of 20% for some months after the release. When the music video released on Youtube, that nearly doubled the amount of calls the month of release (Logic’s)”. The song goes over the struggles of people wanting to commit suicide, not fitting in, lack of acceptance. With no support, they feel they have no other options, not getting the second opinion, and the song highlights all of this beautifully. It also clarifies that there is