James, aged two, died from multiple injuries to the head said Richard Henriques, QC, prosecuting. His body was then placed on the railway track and was cut in two by a train; according to a pathologist's evidence, the toddler was dead before he was hit by the train.
The two boys, both now 11 deny abducting and murdering James. They also deny attempting to abduct another child. Mr. Henriques claimed that both boys intended to kill James or cause him serious injury, that both acted jointly throughout, and that both knew what they were doing was seriously wrong. …show more content…
They then walked to the Leeds and Liverpool canal. This was when the attack started. They threw him in and out of the canal and James suffered minor injuries to his head.
On their way to the canal, they passed 38 people. A woman explains that she saw the boys walking and James seemed to be in distress however, she just predicted that Jon and Robert was the boy’s older brother. When walking from the canal to the railway line a man asked what they were doing with the boy. . Jon answered “We are taking him to the police station as we just found