Income Inequality In Politics

Superior Essays
According to the Census Bureau in 2010, “there were 42 million poor people in the United States,” and a large portion of those who reside in the middle class are approaching the poverty line, thus, augmenting the amount of people who live in the lower class. As a result, income inequality has become a paramount topic in recent times, especially in the 2016 election. In addition to politicians and other government members discussing this gargantuan issue, professors, journalists, and others have written income inequality, and provided ways to fix the issue. The authors Robert B. Reich, Gregory Mantsios, Alan Ajas, Daniel Bustillo, William Darity Jr., and Darrick Hamilton are experts within the field of economics and labor; however, all of these …show more content…
Reich’s From Beyond Outrage describes the current status of the United States economy as a “troubling trend” that allowed for “a larger and larger share of the nation’s income and wealth was going to the very top [of the top 1 percent].” Reich then describes that under the Clinton administration, the President wanted to reverse this course the American economy was taking, but the administration could not accomplish this. After this, Reich explains that recent events that occurring in the United States, such as “Occupiers [in 2011]” and polling conducted by New York Times/CBS News, which shows “66 percent of Americans say that the nation 's wealth should be more evenly distributed.” Additionally, Reich explains that Wall Street executives and other corporate executives are getting more money while others suffer. The current economic system has Americans feel as though that with their current pay rates, they cannot get what they need to survive, thus, crippling the United States …show more content…
In “Class in America―2012”, Mantsios explains,
“The class structure in the United States is a function of its economic system: capitalism, a system that is based on private rather than public ownership and control of commercial enterprises. Under capitalism, enterprises are governed by the need to produce a profit for the owners, rather than to fulfill societal needs. Class divisions arise from the differences between those who own and control corporate enterprise and those who do not.”
This piece of information describes that everyone in the United States, especially middle class and lower class members, are going to be affected by income inequality. In addition, Mantsios reveals, “issues of race and gender cut across class lines,” which then explains that people of different ethnic backgrounds and genders are going to be affected by income inequality even more than other groups of people. In comparison, “Beyond the Outrage” is focused on any member of working class in the United States. For instance, Reich acknowledges, “the pay of most Americans is not returning―and that is the longer-term and more disturbing story,” and that is something all Americans have in common; the desire to have a job. Lastly, in “From a Tangle of Pathology to a Race-Fair America”, the focus is on minorities in the country because of the statistics and facts utilized.

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