In What Ways Does Writing For A Literacy Audience Affect The Language

Improved Essays
1. “How does this opening set up your expectations for the rest of the essay?” “Why do you think she chose to begin by denying her own authority?”

The opening sets up to medium expectations of her native English language tones. She denies her authority because her mom won’t approve her English usage. Her mom’s usage of English varies from her English usage. Mom tries to speak English in a simplistic manner, but the author uses grammatical variations and past-present in writing. The author believes that mom wouldn’t understand her novel writing style. The author wants to transition from complicated to simple writing style.

2. “What categories does she divide English into?” “Why are these divisions important to tan?” “How does she say they affect her as a writer?”

She talks about English usage in her writing, simple English usage with mom and writing usage in school. These divisions
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“How does writing for a literacy Audience affect the language Tan primarily uses in the essay?” “What kind of English do you think she believes her audience speaks?” “Why?” Tan wrote the Literacy essay in the first person. She believes the audience also has limited English. She quotes, “Asian American students whose English spoken at home might be broken”. She believes audience has the difficulty speaking proper English. The audience suffers broken and dull writing. The story reflects the difficulty for others to speak English.
4. “How does Tan’s Title –“Mothers Tongue” –affect the way you read the argument?” “What other titles might you have Chosen?”

The title “Mothers Tongue” infers the story is about mom’s native language tone. It refers to how mom speaks English fluently. One title I chose for the argument is “My mom’s Language tone”. The story infers that her mom speaks Chinese, but wants to speak English. The title impacts the overall theme of the story. The second title I chose is “My mom’s native

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