Tom is first introduced as an old friend of Huckleberry’s. The book picks up by finishing up “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”.“You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter.,”(Twain,8) He is witty and very imaginative, but when you delve deeper Tom is really quite sadistic and borderline sociopathic . In the beginning he forms the “Tom Sawyer’s gang” swearing in blood that if anyone turned their back or revealed “secrets” of the gangs. Tom would kill them and their family. He then proceeds to rob children of food. When he reappears later in the novel he finds Jim imprisoned, he immediately attempts to create a outrageous plan to make himself a hero. “And it didn't. He told me what it was, and I see in a minute it was worth fifteen of mine for style, and would make Jim just as free a man as mine would, and maybe get us all killed beside,”(Twain, 248) He is shown to not care about anyone else’s feelings and is very self centered, only looking for a good adventure. Later in the book Tom reappears. Huck asks for his help in a breaking Jim out of his …show more content…
One of the more notable and stronger examples of him is Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Jack Sparrow is outlandish, immature, and like Tom, an anti-hero. He is selfish and very superstitious. He is mischievous and rarely acts his age. Both of our characters have moral and more logical based best friends. Tom has Huck, Jack has Will. Both of they’re friends go on their own journeys to discover themselves as people and really build on their character. Captain Jack along with Tom really don’t change through their hero’s journey. Both settling and happy with their set ways. Though neither of the characters are bad. They both are seen to make the moral choice and help others. Though neither would admit to it. Sparrow even once retorting that he likes to wave those moments by. Tom also shares a few traits with Kevin, the lovable house defender from Home Alone. Kevin is smart and mischievous and came up in a decent home. He’s manipulative and very quick on his feet. He’s imaginative and inventive. Enjoying his adventures stopping robbers. Tom Sawyer is also like Tom Haverford. Tom H is very self centered. Liked Sawyer he rarely ever does things that don’t involve self benefit, they are both headstrong with their minds in the clouds. On occasion if needed both can put on a good show and seem very