Whether it is a childhood bully or a ‘fundamentalist’ army taking over, for Amir and Hassan it happens to be both. Alternatively, someone may feel that he or she is the bad one; The Kite Runner lets the reader know there is always a way to be good again, for anyone. Schools attempt to shelter students from reality and then throw them into it after they graduate. Instead, they should expose them to the reality of how the world really is in a way without it being first hand and reading is one way to do just that. Despite the violence in the novel, it is a part of life and students approaching adulthood need to understand that. To draw this to a close, The Kite Runner, even with its portrayal of homosexuality, sexually explicit scenes, violence, and offensive language inspires readers to overcome the evil and oppression in the world and to venture towards redemption and peace, all anyone has to do is try. Not allowing students to read this book steals their chance at experiencing different cultures, insults their maturity in not thinking students can handle scenes that convey reality, and prolongs student’s ignorance of the value this novel has to
Whether it is a childhood bully or a ‘fundamentalist’ army taking over, for Amir and Hassan it happens to be both. Alternatively, someone may feel that he or she is the bad one; The Kite Runner lets the reader know there is always a way to be good again, for anyone. Schools attempt to shelter students from reality and then throw them into it after they graduate. Instead, they should expose them to the reality of how the world really is in a way without it being first hand and reading is one way to do just that. Despite the violence in the novel, it is a part of life and students approaching adulthood need to understand that. To draw this to a close, The Kite Runner, even with its portrayal of homosexuality, sexually explicit scenes, violence, and offensive language inspires readers to overcome the evil and oppression in the world and to venture towards redemption and peace, all anyone has to do is try. Not allowing students to read this book steals their chance at experiencing different cultures, insults their maturity in not thinking students can handle scenes that convey reality, and prolongs student’s ignorance of the value this novel has to