The MRI allows doctors to look at the soft tissues inside of a person's body without having to cut the person open. One thing an MRI is used for is for abnormalities of the spinal cord or brain. When the doctors look at the brain and spinal cord, they are usually looking for things like aneurysms of the cerebral vessel, disorders of the eye and inner ear, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, stroke, tumors, and brain injuries from trauma. Another thing that an MRI can be used for is to check out tumors, cysts, and other abnormalities. The reason that doctors use the MRI machine for tumors, cysts, and other abnormalities is to make sure that the tumor or cyst is not cancerous, and if it is, the the doctors will assess the situation. An MRI can be used to look at injuries or abnormalities of the joints. Some reasons that a person would need an MRI of their joints could be that a person has joint abnormalities caused by traumatic or repetitive injuries (such as torn cartilage or ligaments), abnormalities in the spine (a slipped disk), bone infections, or tumors of bones and soft tissue. A person can also get an MRI if a doctor wants to look at your internal organs. The parts of the body a doctor would check for would be the liver and bile ducts, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, uterus, ovaries, and the prostate. If they were looking at those body parts, they would be looking for any type of cancer or diseases that those organs have. Another …show more content…
In some cases, the person may not be able to have the MRI test. The person also needs to tell their doctor if they have an intrauterine device (IUD) in place. An IUD may prevent you from having the MRI test done. Another thing that a person would need to talk to their doctor about would be if that person became very nervous in confined spaces. That person would need to lie very still inside the MRI magnet, so that person might need medicine to help you relax. The medicine that the doctor would use is called a sedative, and a sedative calms you down. That person might be able to have the test done with open MRI equipment. It is not as closed off as a normal MRI machine. The person may need to arrange for someone to drive you home after the test, if you are given a sedative to help you relax. For an MRI of the abdomen or pelvis, the person might be asked to not eat or drink for several hours before the test. Alos the person might have to sign a consent form that says they understand the risks of the test and agree to have it done. The person needs to talk to their doctor about any concerns they have about the need for the test, its risks, how it will be done, or what the results will mean. To help the person understand the of this