How Does Henry's Ability To Maintain His Power And Lead An Effective Government

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Before Henry VII of England came into power, England was coming out of a fragmented feudal society and was in need of a strong ruler and government system. Rule was shifting from an oligarchy of nobles to a monarchy hungry for power and successors. The church was steadily losing its power as everything became increasingly more secular. As the church lost power rulers such as Henry were gaining. There was a need to sustain and increase this power. Niccoló Machiavelli wrote The Prince in 1513 after witnessing Italy's political decline. In this book he highlights how a ruler can maintain his power and lead an effective government by any means necessary. Compared to Louis XI of France, Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, Henry VII is the most Machiavellian because he portrays Machiavellian traits of being as sly as a fox with his deceptive arranged marriages for his children in order to gain power, his decisiveness as a ruler in refusing standing armies of nobles to ensure their loyalty to him, and the effectiveness of the government under his rule with economic progress of enforcing laws and his overall success as a monarch of England. In order to be a fox you must be sly, deceptive, and cunning. Machiavelli wrote that it is necessary for a ruler to be a fox in order to deceive but not be deceived. In order to secure and stabilize his power and his family's lineage, Henry VII had his Royal Council handle the arranged marriages of his children to rulers of other countries to keep stable ties and good graces with them. Henry himself secured his families hereditary claim to the throne by marrying Edward IV's daughter Elizabeth of York, which thus unified the House of York and the House of Lancaster that had been warring for 30 years during the Wars of the Roses. His daughter Margaret was married to the Scottish King. This was done to make the Tudor's reign irrefutable. Henry was the last English monarch to gain his power through battle and prowess, after defeating Richard III at the 1485 Battle of Bosworth Fields. Due to his actions the Tudor's dominated England throughout the sixteenth century. Henry was also a very independent ruler. He was ruthless, efficient, and secret. He never depended on the government for money. He ruled through unpaid officials through the Justices of Peace. Through influential land owners he was able to utilize them to use punishment to enforce his will through laws, wages, and moral behavior like a true fox would. Through these actions he exemplifies Machiavellian traits. Henry VII was a strong and decisive ruler. According to Machiavelli, indecisive rulers lost the respect of their people. You have to make wise decisions and execute your will and power over others. Henry was very independent and during his rule he kept England out of war. He promoted peace and order, and demanded loyalty from his subjects. Laws were passed against nobles having standing armies to assure their allegiance to him. His Star Chamber also reduced …show more content…
He portrayed Machiavellian traits of being a fox by being sly and stabilizing peace with other countries through arranged marriages that staked his family's hereditary claim to the throne. He was a firm and decisive ruler, who was very independent and kept England out of war. Finally, he strengthened England's economy and protected his power. Henry's Machiavellian traits and ability to stabilize his power and control over others, can be similarly compared to the actions of Adolf Hitler. Both demanded loyalty from their country and armies who stood for them, and kept their power from being salvaged. Henry had done so through his royal courts and chambers by the use of torture and unjustified court actions toward the guilty and his refusal of the standing armies of nobles that were obtained through the past feudal society that his rule and England's monarchy replaced, and Hitler through the suppressing of Jews and his quest to conquer all of Europe. Niccoló Machiavelli's traits in a ruler pose the possibility of a successful rule and reign of those in power to maintain their control of others and keep their influence from diminishing. Depicting these traits can almost guarantee the successful

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