How Does Absolute Power Corrupt

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Does Absolute Power Corrupt Absolutely? There have been many leaders throughout history that have had absolute power without becoming corrupt. Although many leaders with absolute power have become corrupt, not all leaders have abused their power. For instance, Park Chung-Hee, was a a leader with absolute power, and only used his power for good. Park Chung-Hee was the president for South Korea that started South Korea's "Miracle on the Han River" by contributing to industry and economic reforms. Park Chung-Hee used his power to help South Koreans economic problems and never abused his power. Absolute power does not corrupt a leader, it depends on the person in control of the power. For example, Antonio De Oliveira Salazar was the prime minister of Portugal for 36 years and had absolute power. "In 1933, Salazar’s new constitution for Portugal was confirmed by a general Portuguese election, but despite the democratic guarantees Salazar’s application of his “Estado Novo” resulted in his own supreme dictatorial power"(Was Portuguese Dictator Antonio Salazar a Tyrant or Protector?). His new constitution for Portugal was approved in a Portuguese election, and resulted in his dictatorial power. Antonio had dictatorial power, but didn't use his power in bad ways and had improved Portugal in ways in ways the Portugal citizens had never seen before. "He was friendly with Francisco Franco and recognized the Nationalist government in Spain in 1938, but he kept Portugal neutral in World War II and led the country into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949"(Britannica). This organization (otherwise known as NATO) was an alliance between the countries in Europe and North America for support during any war or attack acted upon the countries in the organization. Antonio also instituted a national airline, fixed/upgraded Portugal's railways and roads, and planned electrification for the country. Throughout Antonio De Oliveira Salazar 36 years of absolute power over Portugal, he never let the power get to his head, made Portugal a better place, and was never considered a tyrant or dictator. Many people think that Hitler became corrupt due to the absolute power he had taken from Germany in 1933. …show more content…
However, Hitler was a bad person in general, had a troubled life as a child, and little to no support from his father."As a child, Hitler clashed frequently with his father. Following the death of his younger brother Edmund, in 1900 he became detached and introverted."(Adolf Hitler Biography). Hitler had a rocky relationship with his father and became depressed and fragile after his brother passed away. If Hitler had a better father figure and had been able to talk to a therapist or someone he trusted, he may not have become so crazy and emotionally unstable later on in his life."Hitler clashed frequently with his emotionally harsh father, who also didn't approve of his sons later interest in fine art as a career"(Adolf Hitler Biography). Hitler had always disagreed with the authority of his birth country, Austria, and had an early interest in German nationalism which grew as he got older, because his father wanted him to pursue a business career instead of fine arts. Hitler had a bad past as a child and may not have become so obsessed with German nationalism if he had a supportive father in his life that encouraged him to become determine to pursue his fine arts career. Lee Kuan

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