These are my research questions and haven't joined them so they flow yet sorry
The citizens of Russia were getting restless in their everyday lives, questioning not only their government but getting increasingly frustrated with their situation. On the 12 of March 1917, the president of the Duma (nobility parliament), telegraphed the tsar saying: “The situation is getting worse. Something has to be done immediately. Tomorrow is too late. The last hour has struck. The future of the country and the royal family is being decided.”
When Nicholas got the telegram he replied with
“Again, that fat-bellied Rodzianko has written me a load of nonsense, which I won’t even bother to answer.”
The people were fed up everything, some examples were, …show more content…
He married Alexandra Fedorovna ( Tsarina ) and had five children,: Olga, Anastasia, Alexei, Maria and Tatiana. Nicholas was influenced by his family, being a family man himself he was portrayed as ignoring counsel unless it was his wives.Of course this would be alright if she had the head of a ruler, nevertheless she was influenced by a very different source, a man named Rasputin. Rasputin was a medicine man brought in to heal their youngest, and most precious son, Alexis.There is evidence to contradict Nicholas’s poor choice in judgment from a letter from Grand Duchess Olga which reads: "Knowing Nicky as I did,I must insist that Rasputin had not a particle of influence over him. It was Nicky who eventually put a stop to Rasputin's visits to the palace. It was again Nicky who sent the man back to Siberia and that more than once. And some of Nicky's letters to Alicky are proof enough of what he really thought of Rasputin's advice...(” as well as comments from General A.I. Spiridonovich which