How Did The American Colonists React To British Rule

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Following the French and Indian War, in which Britain was victorious, the American colonists began to react to Britain’s rule in an unruly and disorderly manner. As the colonists began to disobey the laws placed onto them by Parliament, English rule grew stricter. Despite the many benefits and protection given to the colonists by the English, they still behaved rebelliously. The colonists’ unpardonable actions resulted in stricter rules being placed on
England established the Proclamation of 1763, which was issued to make sure the Native Americans and the British maintained a good relationship. After Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War, the Natives were fearful of losing their land to the British colonists. This Proclamation served as a way to suppress the fears of the Natives and. Britain also still benefitted a great deal from the Native Americas through fur trade, so it was vital to
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This law made it so that the colonists didn’t have to compete with foreign merchants in order to get the materials that they needed. Although they were only allowed trading relations with England, many colonists disobeyed this law by smuggling goods and trading illegally with other nations. This illegal trade was detrimental to Britain’s economy as it meant that other countries were benefiting from materials produced in the colonies. This put Britain into debt, which the colonists were then expected to pay back through taxing. The colonists were still being treated with the same rights as Englishmen, however, and even had advantage over them due to the fact that the tax load was lighter in the colonies than it was in Britain. Even though the colonists were given the same rights they would have been had they still been in England, they continued to revolt which only elevated the tension between them and

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